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PHP Encapsulation

Encapsulation in PHP

Encapsulation is a concept of wrapping up or binding up related data members and methods in a single module known as encapsulation And hiding the essential internal property of that module known as data abstraction.

class person


public $name;

public $age;

function __construct($n, $a)





public function setAge($ag)




public function display()


echo  "welcome ".$this->name."<br/>";

return $this->age-$this->ag;



$person=new person("Pankaj",25);


echo "You are ".$person->display()." years old";
Output welcome Pankaj You are 5 years old

Create a arithmetic class with add( ),sub( ),mult( ) and div( ) method


class arithmetic


var $first=1000;

var $second=500;

function add()



echo "Addition = ".$res."<br/>";


function sub()



echo "Subtraction = ".$res."<br/>";


function mult()



echo "Multiplication = ".$res."<br/>";


function div()



echo "Division = ".$res."<br/>";



$obj= new arithmetic( );

$obj->add( );

$obj->sub( );

$obj->mult( );

$obj->div( );
Output Addition = 1500 Subtraction = 500 Multiplication = 500000 Division = 2
In the above example Two properties $first and $second along with the methods add( ), sub( ), mult( ) and div( ) are defined in a single unit i.e in the class arithmetic. We create the object of class arithmetic. that object called the methods and methods are performed their task with defined properties. add( ) methods perform addition of two properties $first and $second. sub( ) methods perform subtraction of two properties $first and $second. mult( ) methods perform multiplication of two properties $first and $second. div( ) methods perform division of two properties $first and $second.

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