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PHP crc32() Function

PHP Crc32() Function

The PHP crc32() function is used to get the 32-bit cyclic redundancy checksum code of the given input string. To convert the given input string into a 32-bit cyclic redundancy checksum code this crc32() function uses the CRC32 algorithm.

Syntax :


The $string is the given input string which will be passed to the function as a parameter.

We use the "%u" & printf to make sure that the output which we get is correct because sometimes the output could be in negative so it's better to use the crc32() function with "%u".

Let's see some examples of this crc32() function:

$str = crc32("PHPTPOINT");
echo $str;

Example 2

$str = "PHP is a server side scripting language. that is used to develop Static websites or Dynamic websites or Web applications";
echo crc32($str);

Example 3


$str = crc32("We love PHP !!!");

echo "without %u:".$str."<br>";
echo "with %u:";
printf ("%u",$str);

without %u:577534530
with %u:577534530

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