Home >>Javascript Programs >Count occurrence of a particular character in a string in JavaScript

Count occurrence of a particular character in a string in JavaScript

In this article, we will see how to count occurrence of a particular character in a string in JavaScript. String in JavaScript is used for input/output data to the user and it is a very popular data type. Today, in this tutorial, we will write a program how we can access each element string and compare it with the particular character.

Let's take an example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
         function displaystr() {
            setTimeout(function() {
               var str = document.getElementById('str1').value;
               var letter = document.getElementById('letter1').value;
               letter = letter[letter.length-1];

               var lCount;
               for (var i = lCount = 0; i < str.length; lCount += (str[i++] == letter));
               document.querySelector('p').innerText = lCount;
               return lCount;
            }, 50);
      Enter String: <input type="text" id="str1"><br><br>
      Enter Letter: <input type="text" id="letter1"><br><br>
      <button onclick="displaystr()">Click for Result</button><br><br>
      result= <p></p>

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